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RVC Research Online is a repository of the research outputs produced by staff from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). The aims of the repository are (i) to provide an institutional archive of RVC's research outputs, (ii) to provide access to these outputs and support open science, and (iii) to increase the reach and impact of RVC's research.

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Association of the TTN, PDK4, and RNF207 mutations with dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermanns from the United Kingdom (2025)
Journal Article
Dutton, L., Crossland, A., Dukes-McEwan, J., & Connolly, D. (2025). Association of the TTN, PDK4, and RNF207 mutations with dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermanns from the United Kingdom. PLoS ONE, 2025 Mar 13;20(3):e0319932,

A missense mutation in the titin gene (TTN) and a splice-site mutation in the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 gene (PDK4) have been associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Dobermanns from the United States. Additionally, a missense mutation i... Read More about Association of the TTN, PDK4, and RNF207 mutations with dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermanns from the United Kingdom.

Severe periodontal disease in a geriatric southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) (2025)
Journal Article
Wrigglesworth, E., Dodds, J., Morgan, R., Milnes, E., & Spiro, S. (2025). Severe periodontal disease in a geriatric southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Vet Record Case Reports,

A geriatric southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) held at a zoological institution was euthanased following persistent dysmastication and decreasing body condition. A postmortem examination revealed marked calculi on the surfaces of t... Read More about Severe periodontal disease in a geriatric southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum).

Computed tomographic appearance of gastropexy sites in dogs (2025)
Journal Article
Einwaller, J., Llabres-Diaz, F., Jones, C., & Caine, A. (2025). Computed tomographic appearance of gastropexy sites in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice,

Objectives: To describe the computed tomography appearance of gastropexy sites and report their anatomical and suspected functional abnormalities. Materials and methods: Medical records of dogs with prior gastropexy undergoing abdominal computed tomo... Read More about Computed tomographic appearance of gastropexy sites in dogs.

Ultrasonographic features of gastrointestinal ulcerations in cats (2025)
Journal Article
Bach, A., de la Serna, B., Maddox, T., & Weston, P. (2025). Ultrasonographic features of gastrointestinal ulcerations in cats. Veterinary Record,

Background: Gastrointestinal ulceration in cats can be life threatening due to the risk of perforation and septic peritonitis. However, the ultrasound findings associated with this condition and their diagnostic sensitivities have not been described.... Read More about Ultrasonographic features of gastrointestinal ulcerations in cats.

Analysis of Cattle Foot Lesions Recorded at Trimming in the Southwest of England (2025)
Journal Article
Britten, N., Blackie, N., Reader, J., Booth, R. E., & Mahendran, S. A. (in press). Analysis of Cattle Foot Lesions Recorded at Trimming in the Southwest of England. Animals, 15(6), 829.

Background: The UK has a high incidence of lameness in cattle, which is costly in terms of economics and welfare. Most causes of bovine lameness originate in the foot but there are several different conditions causing lameness. Quantifying the relati... Read More about Analysis of Cattle Foot Lesions Recorded at Trimming in the Southwest of England.